Root Canals

At Vulcan Dental we offer both root canal therapy and extractions of teeth.

Root Canal Therapy

A root canal may be necessary if the pulp of the tooth becomes infected or inflamed or if a previous root canal treatment has failed. Acute (abscess) or chronic (bone loss) conditions may develop until a root canal is preformed.

To make an accurate diagnosis, it is suggested to book an emergency exam appointment, where information will be collected and evaluated from the signs and symptoms of the tooth/teeth or area in question.  Often a series of quick tests along with a dental radiograph will confirm the diagnosis.

Symptoms you (the patient) may have include:

a) pain

  1. anywhere from no pain to extreme pain (throbbing or “feels like it has its own heartbeat”)
  2. may lessen or intensify with a change of position (often laying down at night may cause more pain)
  3. may only be felt when the tooth has a response to a stimulus (such as chewing or putting pressure on the tooth).Pain can also be spontaneous.
  4. may be triggered by thermal insult (tooth may feel hot and feel better with cold liquids on it or tooth may have lingering pain in response to cold liquids)
  5. may be awakened from sleep

b) swelling

  1. no swelling to large swelling may be present. Swelling may feel deep in the jaw bone, up into the face or down into the neck.  Redness and warmth to touch may also be present.
  2. may have a pimple-like bump on the gum that approximates the tip of the problem tooth’s root that may or may not have pus that drains out.
  3. tooth may feel “higher” than the adjacent teeth when chewing or clenching.

Please don’t delay in treating your tooth as your health may be at risk.  After evaluating the tooth or teeth in question, recommendations will be given on the prognosis of the tooth.  In some cases, root canal therapy may not be enough to fix the problem and extraction may be the best or only option.


Extractions may become necessary for a variety of conditions or may be needed to perform other treatments such as immediate dentures, implants or braces.  Oral sedation may also be an option for anxious patients.  IV or general anesthesia would require referral to another treatment centre.